Minimalist adventure Day 0
I have chosen to be a minimalist person because nothing gives me pleasure. Is that important, Idk. But I know that I have to do this. Anyway lets roll out!
Make To Do List
I’m using *** for this step because it’s perfect, minimal and… anyway. I can do this on my site, which is really important. I set 4 to do because I am becoming minimalist.
Set Goal for 7 Days
I’m using *** for set my goal. And this is very efficient. Since it is a 7-day challenge, it is necessary to plan each day separately. That’s why I used the *** application.
Delete everything unnecessary
I choose the best distribution for minimalism. No other app, no other website. Just what I want.
Add extension for focus your what I want.
Toggle to dumb phone
Clean the your room or working environment
Delete unnecessary in your brain.
“We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy.”_ -Richard Foster, 1940s.